I want you to picture a scenario on the field
It’s late in the last quarter and your team is neck and neck with the opposition
The tension is high and EVERY possession matters
The ball is in dispute and manages to find its way out to you on the open side. You take possession and start sprinting forwards, scanning what to do next.
In the background your hear the roar of the crowd intensifying as your eyes dart left and right processing your next move, you see a team mate open in space.
Here it is, the big moment to win the team the game
You go to drop the ball onto your foot but before you can blink it all comes crashing down.
You didn’t even hear the footsteps, it was like a cheetah waiting for its prey and you fell straight into the trap.
Before you can even process what has happened the ball is turned over and the other team runs up the other end to score the match winning play
You’ve been humiliated. Let’s be honest, there’s no more vulnerable moment on the sporting field then being chased down from behind without expecting it. It seems everyone can see it unfolding except for you.
“If only I was a little bit faster” you think
See sport is won or lost on the BIG moments. The big moments are what separates good from great players. And a large majority of the time those moments are based on the back of speed! This is because
Coaches recruit speed.
Athletes envy those that have it.
And the research shows the fastest athletes sign bigger contracts and score more often then those who don’t have it.
So how come athletes aren’t getting faster?
Speed has always been this secret that no one can seem to crack
The insights, systems and training secrets that consistently produce world-class, elite athletes has been locked behind closed doors where you can’t get access to them…
So while the professional athletes are doing what works, you’re left with no choice but to choose a generic program and miss out on your unique opportunities as an athlete…
Until now.
For the first time, i’m going to be taking these “trade secrets” from professional sport and put them in the hands of every athlete hungry for a competitive advantage so that every athlete can feel fully prepared…
Because when winning is the goal…
You need a fully-integrated system for athlete development that will make sure you can show up in the moments that count the most.
What if i could guarantee 0.1-0.15 seconds off your 30m sprint in 12 weeks
would you take it?
Absolutely you would
But how?
Well i’ll tell you how not to do it
● Not by Buying gimmicky ‘sports specific’ cookie cutter programs that get you mediocre results at best. Although these programs may look enticing, more often than not they will make you worse, not better because they don’t factor in peak force and the time it takes to achieve it. Sprinting requires 3-5x Bodyweight ground reaction forces within 100-200 milliseconds. Doing fast feet drills or movements that don’t exhibit high force outputs miss the boat and by a long way.
● It is no longer enough just to be talented. Research shows athletes at the highest level are getting faster by the year. If you aren’t getting faster you run the risk of being left behind.
● Just playing your sport won’t get you faster. “Athletes are overcompeted and undertrained more so than ever” If you choose not to optimise your physical performance it’s inevitable that overtime you will become weaker, slower and more susceptible to injury.
Theres been a big shift in sprint biomechanics over the last 5 years……..
Research from Ken Clark & JB morin investigated 1100 NFL Athletes and concluded that absolute horizontal power (P max) was not only the most important factor in the 40yd dash, but was also able to delineate drafted and undrafted players. Imagine that? One key metric could be the difference between signing a life changing contract or missing out. Or perhaps one metric is the difference between you getting chased down or breaking clear for the match winning play ;)
The thing is Horizontal power (P max) is extremely trainable with the right system
One of the biggest drawbacks in the past when it came to developing speed was the lack of individualisation for each athlete. Even the good sprinting programs out there would be based around guessing what the athlete should be training. This is wasting time we don’t have.
Above is an example of how important it is to individualise your speed training so you can maximise your results. Here is two athletes with two different 20m sprint times
Safety: 2.93 seconds
Running Back: 3:04 seconds
Despite the black arrow athlete being faster at the 10-20m segment they are significantly slower than the blue arrow athlete
Because the blue arrow athlete is a phenomenal accelerator and has a much higher peak force (14N/KG vs 10.1N/KG). This whole sprint was won in the first 5m.
Remember Pmax? (power)
Well Power = Force x Velocity
By improving an athletes force side of the equation we are raising their power profile. This in turn will allow them to accelerate faster over the first 5-10m. This is crucial to create separation on the opposition.
You can now start to see how important it is to target an athletes weakness.
So how do we do we put together a system? A system that is guaranteed to take your speed to a level you can only dream of. Well it comes down to 3 steps
Step 1: Test
If you are not assessing you are guessing. Assessing an athletes complete force-velocity profile both on the field and in the gym is what separates us from any other competitor out there. We conduct a variety of tests from GPS, timing gates as well as force plates to determine your athletic speed profile. Within this we are also looking to determine your Pmax. Finding you peak power range (Pmax) is critical to ensure we can accurately prescribe your speed training program. Like in the gym, there would be no point giving each athlete the exact same weights, we need to test to ensure each athlete has specific loads needed to train this peak power range.
From here we can determine whether an athlete is force or velocity deficient and what we need to target.
Step 2: Analyse biomechanics
Sprinting is half power and half technique. You can have very good power metrics however if you are applying that force in the wrong direction it will be wasted energy. We use software to compare you against the world standards at each different level. The beauty is this can be analysed from anywhere in the world, and can result in highly in depth technical analysis pointing to your strengths and weaknesses.
Step 3: Develop an individual program to improve Pmax + Biomechanics
Once we have tested your speed and assessed your technique we can begin to formulate a program individualised to your specific needs.
All athletes are going to fall into 1 of 4 buckets based off their testing results
1. Low force - HIGH Velocity
2. HIGH force - Low velocity
3. Low force - low velocity
4. High force - High velocity (gold standard)
Do you lack force? You will need more gym and resisted sprinting work for example.
Lack velocity? You will need overspeed and elastic exercises. By falling into one of these buckets we can individualise based off your strengths and weaknesses.
ts common to see improvements of 0.1-0.15 seconds off a 30m sprint during a 12 week timeframe by bucketing athletes into this approach. This is substantial improvements in a relatively short period of time.
● Most strength and conditioning coaches think the gym is still the only solution when it comes to getting faster. Although it certainly can complement performance, speed isn’t developed in the gym
● Most strength and conditioning coaches don’t have the testing equipment to individualise your training, let alone understand the data they are looking at. They don’t have a plan for you
● Most strength and conditioning programs don’t cater for a complete high performance training system. We know you need to train a lot more than 1-2x sessions per week if you want long term results. You need a complete high performance program to ensure you don’t make the mistakes I made when I was first starting. You need unlimited training
● The best way to optimise a full high performance program is by adopting a hybrid training program.Your coach can’t be with you face to face 24/7 so having access to resources to do both in person and online is critical for long term results without costing an arm and a leg for unlimited face to face training
So what are the options?
- Full high performance program. Choose from our timetable with unlimited speed and gym sessions.
- Quarterly testing with state of the art testing equipment to individualise your program
- Access to me for training questions through the discord group
- Daily check ins on whatsapp and echnique analysis through whatsapp
- Access to the online coaching portal Team-builder
- Weekly face to face 1 on 1 session, choose from our timetable with either speed or gym sessions available
- Quarterly testing with state of the art testing equipment to individualise your program
- Access to me for training questions through the discord group
- Tailored online programming updated weekly and Nutrition and recovery plans
- Video feedback solving common technical problems
- Quarterly testing with state of the art testing equipment to individualise your program
- Tailored online programming updated weekly
- Video feedback solving common technical problems
- Access to me for training questions through the discord group
- Zoom every 6 weeks to ensure we are on the right track to hold you accountable
I stand by my results. If you don’t improve your health, wellness and/or performance in the first 12 weeks towards your desired goals I will give you you ALL your money back.
I believe so strongly in my ability to transform your health wellness and performance that I’m willing to put it all on the line and take away all the risk for you.
By doing it this way, you have absolutely nothing to lose.